Saturday, November 12, 2011

HudsonAlpha Atrium WIP

This is a partial model of the HudsonAlpha Biotech Institute building modeled in 3dsMax for realtime rendering in the Unity game engine.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Accident Scene Reconstruction

This scene was recreated using survey data and photographs of the original site.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Demo Reel 2011

This demo reel shows some of my work from the last eight years.

I can be reached at donches3 "at"


The music is "Piano Black", by Yoko Kanno, on Cowboy Bebop

Crew Exploration Vehicle

These stills are from a video we (Digital Radiance) produced about five years ago for a proposed spacecraft.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


These cells were for a series of biotech animations.

Modeled in 3ds Max

Wallpaper: DNA

I was taking a break from biotech animations and decided to bang out this wallpaper.

3ds Max and Photoshop.

Wallpaper: Convergent Series

This is a photograph I took in a subway station, then heavily manipulated in Photoshop.

Some Whimsical Houses

These houses were for a weather-based game.

3ds Max and Photoshop.

Pool Hall Game Mockup

I built this scene as part of a billiards game interface mockup.

3ds Max and photoshop.

Geodesic Balloons

I wanted to see if I could light the models to match the lighting conditions in the existing photographs.

(The background photographs were included with 3ds Max)

Cool Accident

I was compositing the various render elements (land, sea, atmosphere, clouds, etc.)  in photoshop,
and I accidentally set one of the atmosphere layers to the 'subtractive' blending mode.

I decided to keep the resulting image.

J7W1 Shinden

The Kyushu Shinden was an experimental fighter the Japanese were building at the end of WWII.

I built this in 3ds Max based on a carefully measured plastic model.
Textured and composited in Photoshop.

Oh, I did the background in TerraGen.  Cool program that.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Hummingbird Drone Mk1

This is a concept drawing I did for a robotic hummingbird.

Scanned, then inked and colored in photoshop.

Let's Get Started

Here are a couple of drawings I did years ago.